Easy Spanish Step-By-Step (English Edition)

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Características del producto

  • Easy Spanish Step by Step proves that a solid grounding in grammar basics is the key to mastering a second language
  • Grammatical rules and concepts are clearly explained in order of importance, and more than 300 verbs and key terms are introduced on the basis of frequency
  • Numerous exercises and engaging readings help learners quickly build their Spanish speaking and comprehension prowess

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Últimos 3 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
26/julio (11:47) 9,77€ 12,19€ 2,42€ (+24,8%)
20/marzo (21:53) 7,99€ 9,77€ 1,78€ (+22,3%)
07/diciembre (10:07) 6,99€ 7,99€ 1,00€ (+14,3%)