Focusrite Novation launchkey USB controlador de teclado para Ableton Live

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Características del producto

  • Designed for Ableton Live - All controls work immediately and can be freely reassigned.
  • See Your Session - Full colour RGB pads match the colour of your clips.
  • Create Expressive Beats - All 16 pads are velocity-sensitive for creating dynamic drum beats.
  • Shape Your Sound - Tweak your instruments and effects using eight rock solid knobs.
  • Create Expressive Performances - The 49-note velocity-sensitive synth-style keyboard is lightweight, fast and very easy to play.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
05/septiembre (06:38) 306,00€ 312,00€ 6,00€ (+2%)
06/agosto (08:29) 314,00€ 306,00€ 8,00€ (-2,5%)
07/julio (09:15) 294,00€ 314,00€ 20,00€ (+6,8%)
07/junio (11:09) 281,00€ 294,00€ 13,00€ (+4,6%)
08/mayo (16:58) 276,00€ 281,00€ 5,00€ (+1,8%)