Gears of War [Importación inglesa]

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Características del producto

  • Set years prior to the events of the previous Gears of War trilogy, Judgment centres on Kilo Squad, a troop of soldiers led by Damon Baird and Augustus The Cole Train Cole
  • Gears of War: Judgment introduces enhanced multiplayer experiences, including OverRun, a thrilling class-based competitive mode that pits Locust and COG soldiers in a head-to-head battle unlike anything gears fans have experienced yet
  • Gears of War: Judgment introduces a Smart Spawn System [S3] for both campaign and multiplayer action
  • Marking a first for the Gears franchise, Gears of War: Judgment features a Mission Declassification system that lets players experience more challenging gameplay scenarios and achievements by uncovering critical information during the course of the campaign
  • Playable cooperatively with up to three friends on Xbox Live (four players total), Gears of War: Judgment depicts the planet Sera on the brink of annihilation by an unstoppable Locust menace, giving you a vantage point into one of the richest and acclaimed sagas in gaming

Información del envío

Envío en 4 a 5 días

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
05/febrero (09:34) 25,99€ 24,99€ 1,00€ (-3,9%)
06/enero (21:00) 24,99€ 25,99€ 1,00€ (+4%)
08/noviembre (12:57) 33,44€ 24,99€ 8,45€ (-25,3%)
10/octubre (15:35) 31,49€ 33,44€ 1,95€ (+6,2%)
14/septiembre (14:45) 24,99€ 31,49€ 6,50€ (+26%)