The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild--Creating a Champion

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Características del producto

  • Nearly 50 pages of sketches and official illustrations from Takumi Wada
  • 296 Pages of design artwork and commentary about the making of the game from creators.
  • 55 Pages historical section that divulges an in-depth history of the Hyrule of Breath of the Wild.
  • Interviews with key members of the development team including Hidemaro Fujibayashi, Satoru Takizawa, Takumi Wada, and Eiji Aonuma.

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Este artículo disfruta de las ventajas de Amazon Premium.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
06/mayo (12:17) 50,51€ 35,75€ 14,76€ (-29,2%)
04/mayo (12:41) 50,64€ 50,51€ 0,13€ (-0,3%)
03/mayo (12:52) 50,61€ 50,64€ 0,03€ (+0,1%)
02/mayo (13:00) 35,75€ 50,61€ 14,86€ (+41,6%)
13/abril (15:13) 50,72€ 35,75€ 14,97€ (-29,5%)