Ultimate Excel with Power Query and ChatGPT: Master MS Excel's Dynamic Lookup Functions, Generative AI, and Power Query to Navigate Data, Solve Complex ... and Optimize Productivity (English Edition)

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Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
05/septiembre (20:30) 11,75€ 13,11€ 1,36€ (+11,6%)
22/agosto (02:57) 11,79€ 11,75€ 0,04€ (-0,3%)
21/agosto (02:09) 12,12€ 11,79€ 0,33€ (-2,7%)
10/junio (21:35) 3,35€ 12,12€ 8,77€ (+261,8%)
07/junio (09:08) 11,94€ 3,35€ 8,59€ (-71,9%)