Yu-No (PS4)

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Características del producto

  • The power of the Reflector: explore multiple time lines and revisit events through the unique gaming mechanic of the Reflector device. This allows you to explore every time line in detail.
  • your Father's clues: solve all the mysteries of sakaimachi to uncover the secrets lying beneath Sword Cape. Collect items from one time line and use them in the next to unlock Sword cape's hidden truth.
  • love beyond worlds: can you find the hidden world waiting beyond sakaimachi Fall in love with every character to reach the true ending to this 40+ hour visual novel

Información del envío

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Últimos 4 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
03/octubre (18:07) 32,07€ 19,89€ 12,18€ (-38%)
04/septiembre (00:14) 19,89€ 32,07€ 12,18€ (+61,2%)
13/abril (15:55) 30,50€ 19,89€ 10,61€ (-34,8%)
15/marzo (07:10) 19,89€ 30,50€ 10,61€ (+53,3%)