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Fear Inoculum

Marca: RCA | Categorías: CD y vinilos
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Características del producto

  • A deluxe limited edition of the album, sold out almost everywhere.
  • Includes a full 4-inch HD screen (featuring original video material), a 2-watt speaker (featuring an additional song called "Recusant Ad Infinitum") and a 36-page insert book.
  • Fear Inoculum is the fifth studio album by American rock band Tool. It was released on August 30, 2019.
  • The album was released to critical acclaim, with reviewers generally agreeing that the band had successfully refined their established sound.

Información del envío

Envío en 3 a 4 días

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
24/abril (16:08) 109,82€ 113,72€ 3,90€ (+3,5%)
23/abril (16:20) 113,72€ 109,82€ 3,90€ (-3,4%)
17/abril (17:31) 110,35€ 113,72€ 3,37€ (+3%)
12/abril (18:50) 109,15€ 110,35€ 1,20€ (+1,1%)
22/marzo (17:33) 83,28€ 109,15€ 25,87€ (+31,1%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 15 de mayo a las 15:25

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