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Magna-Tiles Glow In The Dark Set, The Original Magnetic Building Tiles For Creative Open-Ended Play, Educational Toys For Children Ages 3 Years + (16 Pieces + LED Light Included), 18816

Marca: Magna-Tiles | Categorías: Juguetes y juegos
¡Es un buen momento para comprar!

El precio medio es de 38,83€ y ahora está en 37,90€

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Características del producto

  • This magnetic building set features 16 glow in the dark Magna-Tiles pieces.
  • Included in this expansion Magna-Tiles Set are the standard shapes (small squares, equilateral triangles, isosceles triangles, and right triangles).
  • Leave them under direct sunlight or supercharge them with the included LED light to activate the glow. Remember though, the longer you expose your tiles to light, the longer and brighter they will glow in the dark. Practice writing letters or numbers on the tiles or create stencils of animals or shapes. After supercharging your stencils, remove them and watch the outline of each stencil glow!
  • This small expansion set is the perfect gift for children who are already have Magna-Tiles. It is a great toddler gift and is recommended for Birthdays and Holidays.
  • All Magna-Tiles include safe, durable tiles made with food-grade ABS (BPA FREE) plastic free of phthalates and latex. In addition to safe plastic and secure magnets- all Magna-Tiles rivets are made of lead-free stainless steel making it all around a safe toy to bring home.

Información del envío

Envío en 3 a 4 días

Últimos 3 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
09/abril (19:26) 37,95€ 37,90€ 0,05€ (-0,1%)
06/noviembre (14:43) 43,54€ 37,95€ 5,59€ (-12,8%)
08/septiembre (21:01) 37,95€ 43,54€ 5,59€ (+14,7%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 20 de mayo a las 17:02

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