Next Base Dash Cam 312 GW Entretenimiento en el automóvil

Marca: Nextbase | Categorías: Electrónica

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Características del producto

  • The 312GW is the dash cam solution for new or experienced motorists who want instant upload capabilities to social media, or their insurer. Market leading thanks to its connective capabilities and ease of use, this new dawn for dash cams simply reinforces Nextbase's position as the most popular dash cam brand in the UK.
  • The device features inbuilt Wi-Fi, allowing you to download footage to a smartphone before easily sharing it with friends, family, an insurance firm or the police. After using the Wi-Fi to connect to an iOS or Android device, the Nextbase app becomes your personal mobile store for footage you want to keep and share.
  • Alongside this groundbreaking feature, the 312GW retains Nextbase's passion for quality and ease of use. With an all-new design, its ground-breaking Powered Magnetic Click&Go Mounting system is a good example of this. This new system uses magnets and powered touch points in the mount, allowing the dash cam itself to be free from wires, making instant removal and re-application of the device simple and quick - the ultimate in convenience.
  • The 312GW also features super fast GPS, allowing you to track you journey and pin point exactly where an incident happened and the speed it happened at - potentially critical in an insurance claim.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
09/julio (22:34) 210,79€ 179,99€ 30,80€ (-14,6%)
23/noviembre (14:11) 120,26€ 233,39€ 113,13€ (+94,1%)
21/marzo (06:04) 179,99€ 120,26€ 59,73€ (-33,2%)
10/marzo (01:43) 144,99€ 179,99€ 35,00€ (+24,1%)
06/marzo (07:39) 87,75€ 144,99€ 57,24€ (+65,2%)

Última actualización: 18 de mayo a las 14:18

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