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Nothing Fancy: Unfussy Food for Having People Over

Marca: Hardie Grant Books | Categorías: Libros
¡Es un buen momento para comprar!

El precio medio es de 34,18€ y ahora está en 23,97€

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Características del producto

  • In Nothing Fancy, New York Times food columnist Alison Roman shows you instead how to 'have people over', with her signature laid-back, approachable style and visually stunning recipes.
  • Featuring more than 150 all-new recipes, Nothing Fancy includes time-saving tips, like using store-bought ingredients where homemade is unnecessary, batch-made punches for an easy cocktail, and ideas for putting your friends to work!
  • These recipes - heavy on the easy-to-execute vegetables and versatile grains, paying lots of close attention to crunchy, salty snacks, and with love for all the meats
  • are for gatherings big and small, from the weeknight to the weekend.
  • Alison Roman will give you the food your people want (think DIY martini bar, platters of tomatoes, pots of coconut-braised chicken and chickpeas, pans of lemony turmeric tea cake ... )

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Este artículo disfruta de las ventajas de Amazon Premium.

Últimos 3 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
26/abril (04:13) 38,54€ 23,97€ 14,57€ (-37,8%)
20/abril (04:59) 38,56€ 38,54€ 0,02€ (-0,1%)
19/abril (05:11) 36,64€ 38,56€ 1,92€ (+5,2%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 14 de junio a las 18:40

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