reMarkable 2 - Tablet Papel de Última Generación - Tome Notas Escritas en una Pantalla Que Parece Papel, Conviértalas en Texto, Visualízalas en Todos Dispositivos

Marca: reMarkable | Categorías: Informática

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Características del producto

  • The reMarkable 2 paper tablet - Replace your notebooks and printed documents with the only tablet that feels like paper. Now up to 3x longer battery life, up to 2x as responsive and 30% thinner - its the world's thinnest tablet.
  • Write, read and review documents with a paper-like experience. No other tablet in the world gives you an experience so close to paper as reMarkable 2.
  • Your notes. Organized. Practically unlimited pages and folders mean you can organize your notes, documents, and books however you like. Keep a notebook for each client or project and never lose track of them again.
  • Convert handwritten notes to typed text - Take notes directly on PDFs - PDF and ebook support - Applications for smart phone and laptop - No backlight, glare, or eye strain - Powerful digital tools like undo, erase, and move - Secure cloud backup - USB C connectivity - No notifications, social media, or email — just you and your thoughts.
  • In the box: reMarkable 2 Device, Cable USB-A, Quick start guide (Marker not included)

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
05/mayo (21:21) 596,00€ 635,00€ 39,00€ (+6,5%)
01/mayo (22:03) 576,00€ 596,00€ 20,00€ (+3,5%)
30/abril (22:13) 581,00€ 576,00€ 5,00€ (-0,9%)
27/abril (22:40) 597,00€ 581,00€ 16,00€ (-2,7%)
25/abril (21:56) 606,00€ 597,00€ 9,00€ (-1,5%)

Última actualización: 15 de mayo a las 21:00

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