A Plague Tale: Innocence - Xbox One [Importación inglesa]

Marca: Koch | Categorías: Videojuegos

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Características del producto

  • A dark third-person adventure set in plague-ridden France.
  • Guide siblings Amicia and Hugo through medieval France as you evade deadly foes, both human and rat, and develop their bond through a strong, emotional story.
  • Elude the gigantic swarms of rats to keep yourself alive, but manipulating the horde may also provide assistance against the Inquisition.
  • Meet young orphans who will help you escape the Inquisition, cure Hugo's mysterious illness, and uncover the truth behind the Plague.
  • Darkness is both friend and foe, hiding you from the Inquisition, but exposing you to the rats. Decide how to best use it, and your trusty slingshot, to survive.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
06/junio (19:30) 32,21€ 46,43€ 14,22€ (+44,1%)
07/mayo (20:53) 51,38€ 32,21€ 19,17€ (-37,3%)
08/marzo (20:13) 32,39€ 51,38€ 18,99€ (+58,6%)
06/febrero (20:15) 51,38€ 32,39€ 18,99€ (-37%)
18/noviembre (10:04) 42,64€ 51,38€ 8,74€ (+20,5%)

Última actualización: 04 de mayo a las 11:32

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