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Catherine: Full Body Limited Edition - PlayStation 4 [Importación inglesa]

Marca: SEGA | Categorías: Videojuegos
¡Es un buen momento para comprar!

El precio medio es de 66,77€ y ahora está en 66,33€

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Características del producto

  • The captivating tale of 2011's award-winning Catherine returns in Catherine: Full Body - bigger and better than before. Improved visuals and gameplay, brand-new music, enhanced multiplayer options, and much more await in this enticing new package
  • From a Love Triangle to a Love Square: Explore brand-new branching story paths centering around the arrival of the mysterious amnesiac, Rin. Dozens of new cutscenes and animated cinematics have been added to delve even deeper into Vincent's complicated present life, as well as his past
  • It's Not Cheating: Just looking to enjoy the story? 'Safety Mode' gives players the option to activate 'Auto-Play' at any point during a puzzle, letting you sit back and enjoy Vincent's tragic tale
  • Show Your Love: Protect your deepest, darkest secrets in a metal game case featuring Rin, Catherine, and Katherine. Included with all pre-order/ first-run Launch Editions of Catherine: Full Body

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Este artículo disfruta de las ventajas de Amazon Premium.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
28/abril (04:28) 80,00€ 66,33€ 13,67€ (-17,1%)
23/abril (03:55) 66,33€ 80,00€ 13,67€ (+20,6%)
05/abril (00:06) 80,00€ 66,33€ 13,67€ (-17,1%)
25/marzo (03:41) 66,33€ 80,00€ 13,67€ (+20,6%)
10/febrero (15:52) 65,90€ 66,33€ 0,43€ (+0,7%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 26 de diciembre a las 20:51

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