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David Busch's Sony Alpha a7 III Guide to Digital Photography (The David Busch Camera Guide)

Marca: Rocky Nook | Categorías: Libros
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Características del producto

  • SONY ALPHA a7 III GUIDE TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY: David Buschs Sony Alpha a7 III Guide to Digital Photography is most comprehensive and reference for Sonys affordable 24MP full-frame mirrorless camera. This book shows you how to master those capabilities as you explore the world of digital photography and hone your creativity with the a7 III.
  • SONY ALPHA A7 III CAMERA: With advanced 693-point phase detect autofocus, 5-axis in-body image stabilization, 10 frames-per-second continuous shooting, and 4K video capture, the a7 III offers enthusiasts a versatile combination of advanced features.
  • DETAILED INFORMATION: Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Buschs Sony Alpha a7 III Guide to Digital Photography covers every feature of this camera in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations.
  • CAMERA ROADMAP: . Also included is the handy camera roadmap, an easy-to-use visual guide to the cameras features and controls. Learn when to use every option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the authors recommended settings for each menu entry.
  • QUICKLY MASTER YOUR CAMERA: With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, youll quickly have full creative mastery of your cameras capabilities, whether youre shooting on the job, as an advanced enthusiast exploring full frame photography for the first time, or are just out for fun.

Información del envío

Envío en 9 a 10 días

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
04/diciembre (20:15) 41,50€ 44,13€ 2,63€ (+6,3%)
02/diciembre (17:37) 41,10€ 41,50€ 0,40€ (+1%)
30/noviembre (19:08) 44,13€ 41,10€ 3,03€ (-6,9%)
03/noviembre (12:36) 44,09€ 44,13€ 0,04€ (+0,1%)
06/octubre (13:56) 44,49€ 44,09€ 0,40€ (-0,9%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 04 de diciembre a las 20:15

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