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ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree Edition (PS5)

Marca: Bandai Namco | Categorías: Videojuegos
¡Es un buen momento para comprar!

El precio medio es de 76,33€ y ahora está en 63,57€

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Características del producto

  • ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree is a large-scale expansion. The ELDEN RING base game is required to play this product.
  • ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree Edition* is a bundle of the ELDEN RING base game and Shadow of the Erdtree expansion at an affordable price.
  • Physical retail versions only available for PlayStation5 & Xbox Series X|S. The base game is on a disc.
  • A New Story: Guided by Empyrean Miquella, players are beckoned to the Land of Shadow, a place obscured by the Erdtree where the goddess Marika first set foot. In these strange new lands, players discover the dark secrets of the world as they meet others who follow in Miquella’s footsteps with ulterior motives.
  • Exploring a Familiar World Full of New Secrets: ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree takes players beyond the Lands Between to explore the Land of Shadow, a completely new world from ELDEN RING. Players can seamlessly travel back and forth between its vast maps interspersed with diverse situations and meticulous dungeons where menacing enemies roam.

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Este artículo disfruta de las ventajas de Amazon Premium.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
22/enero (08:27) 63,62€ 63,57€ 0,05€ (-0,1%)
17/enero (08:59) 89,99€ 63,62€ 26,37€ (-29,3%)
12/enero (18:11) 89,90€ 89,99€ 0,09€ (+0,1%)
09/enero (18:25) 93,15€ 89,90€ 3,25€ (-3,5%)
08/enero (18:25) 96,94€ 93,15€ 3,79€ (-3,9%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 22 de enero a las 08:27

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