Fallout 4 PS-4 D1 UK multi deutsch [Importación inglesa]

Marca: Bethesda | Categorías: Videojuegos

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Características del producto

  • Do whatever you want in a massive open world with hundreds of locations, characters, and quests. Join multiple factions vying for power or go it alone, the choices are all yours
  • An all-new next generation graphics and lighting engine brings to life the world of Fallout like never before. From the blasted forests of the Commonwealth to the ruins of Boston, every location is packed with dynamic detail.
  • Intense first or third person combat can also be slowed down with the new dynamic Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S) that lets you choose your attacks and enjoy cinematic carnage.
  • Collect, upgrade, and build thousands of items in the most advanced crafting system ever. Weapons, armor, chemicals, and food are just the beginning - you can even build and manage entire settlements.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
16/abril (23:44) 19,89€ 29,99€ 10,10€ (+50,8%)
15/abril (23:56) 14,75€ 19,89€ 5,14€ (+34,9%)
15/abril (00:10) 22,29€ 14,75€ 7,54€ (-33,8%)
12/abril (01:04) 13,24€ 22,29€ 9,05€ (+68,3%)
08/abril (17:15) 22,29€ 13,24€ 9,05€ (-40,6%)

Última actualización: 03 de mayo a las 22:10

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