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Intelligent Change: The Five Minute Journal - Original Daily Gratitude Journal for Happiness, Mindfulness, and Reflection - Daily Affirmations with Simple Guided Format - Undated Life Planner

Marca: Intelligent Change | Categorías: Oficina y papelería
¡Es un buen momento para comprar!

El precio medio es de 36,70€ y ahora está en 31,50€

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Características del producto

  • DAILY GRATITUDE LIST: Boost your happiness and experience improved mental wellness with the original gratitude notebook. Designed for positive manifestation and improved confidence, it promotes helpful daily habits to inspire thankfulness.
  • HOW IT WORKS: With pages for six months of daily journaling, the diary features a host of thoughtfully designed prompts that include: weekly challenges, gratitude, daily highlights, inspirational quotes, daily affirmation, and self-reflection.
  • BENEFITS OF A GRATITUDE JOURNAL: Scientific studies have shown that practicing gratitude can heighten optimism and positivity, and can even strengthen the immune system. Feel the benefits with just five minutes of journaling every morning and evening.
  • ENVIRONMENTALLY-CONSCIOUS DESIGN: Our notebooks are crafted from 100% recyclable and FSC certified paper with a natural linen fabric cover. We have also removed the polyester stitching commonly used in notepads to reduce our plastic usage.
  • PERFECT AS A GIFT: The Five Minute Journal makes an excellent and heartfelt gift for a loved one struggling with depression, stress, or anxiety. Help them to elevate their wellbeing while also reducing feelings of isolation with gratitude journaling.

Información del envío

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Este artículo disfruta de las ventajas de Amazon Premium.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
21/enero (17:36) 42,02€ 31,50€ 10,52€ (-25%)
20/enero (17:43) 31,50€ 42,02€ 10,52€ (+33,4%)
11/enero (03:24) 42,02€ 31,50€ 10,52€ (-25%)
10/enero (03:29) 44,54€ 42,02€ 2,52€ (-5,7%)
09/enero (03:32) 31,50€ 44,54€ 13,04€ (+41,4%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 06 de marzo a las 08:39

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