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Mcbazel 6 en 1 Steam Deck Estación Dock Estación Multifuncional con Puerto LAN RJ45/4K HDMI/Ethernet/Carga de DP Tipo C/Transferencia de Datos por Puerto USB3.0 para Steam Deck/NS Switch/Switch OLED

Marca: Mcbazel | Categorías: Videojuegos
¡Es un buen momento para comprar!

El precio medio es de 34,80€ y ahora está en 32,99€

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Características del producto

  • -This multi-functional dock station is specially designed for Steam Deck, equipped with a 4K HDMI output, an Ethernet port, a Type-C PD fast charging port, and three USB 3.0 data ports. You can enjoy playing video games on TV while your device is charging at the same time.
  • -The 4K@60Hz HDMI 2.0 port allow you to project game page from your Steam Deck to a HDTV or monitor, providing you a clearer and smoother viewing experience, and enjoying the game on a bigger screen.
  • -The Type-C charging port of the steam deck station dock supports up to 100W PD fast charge. Recommend using the original Steam Deck AC adapter for a more stable power supply (max. charging speed of the Steam Deck is 45W).
  • -The dock station for steam deck has a feature which has 1000Mbps RJ45 Ethernet port. Access the Internet more instantly and steadily via Gigabit Ethernet port (supporting 10/100/1000Mbps speed), bringing you 100G game in a short time. Play online games with low latency. No more disconnection during gameplay.
  • -There are three extra USB3.0 data port in the station dock which is compatible with steam deck/NS Switch/Switch OLED allows to connect wired gamepad controller, keyboard, controller adapters, and so on.

Información del envío

En stock

Este artículo disfruta de las ventajas de Amazon Premium.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
30/abril (08:16) 31,99€ 32,99€ 1,00€ (+3,1%)
02/abril (05:19) 32,39€ 31,99€ 0,40€ (-1,2%)
23/diciembre (13:22) 35,99€ 32,39€ 3,60€ (-10%)
24/noviembre (02:10) 36,49€ 35,99€ 0,50€ (-1,4%)
31/julio (13:09) 35,99€ 36,49€ 0,50€ (+1,4%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 06 de mayo a las 07:12

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