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Need For Speed Hot Pursuit Remastered Nintendo Switch Game

Marca: Electronic Arts | Categorías: Videojuegos
¡Es un buen momento para comprar!

El precio medio es de 32,48€ y ahora está en 29,90€

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Características del producto

  • CROSS-PLATFORM MULTIPLATER AND AUTOLOG: Bolt down the winding Seacrest County roads headfirst in racing that is socially competitive at its core, the ground-breaking Autolog connects you and your friends in head-to-head pursuits and races and instinctively delivers challenges based on your friends' activities, this highly dynamic system is fuelled by friendly competition and is now supported with cross-platform sync and new multiplayer gameplay so that you can race each other no matter what platform you are on
  • EXOTIC CARS WITH WEAPONS: Drive the world's most desirable supercars on both sides of the law, bust suspects in supercharged cop interceptors enhanced with tactical weaponry, or level the playing field with counterattacks and defensive manoeuvres as an elite racer, strategize to gain an edge over the competition, no matter what side you're on
  • CHASE AND ESCAPE: A deep and fully-defined single-player career delivers the action of both cops and racers, with a seamlessly linked multiplayer experience across all race modes, take on friends or play through the career solo to earn Bounty and unlock new cars, weapons, and equipment
  • ENHANCED VISUALS: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered delivers a timeless racing experience updated for today's generation of hardware with enhanced visuals
  • ALL MAIN DLC INCLUDED, PLUS MORE UPDATES: Get all main DLC delivered at launch including an extra six hours of gameplay and more than 30 challenges, brand new achievements, wraps, car colours, reduced hard stops, an updated photo mode and gallery, and multiple quality of life updates create an even more well-rounded gameplay experience this time around

Información del envío

En stock

Este artículo disfruta de las ventajas de Amazon Premium.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
15/mayo (14:06) 25,26€ 29,90€ 4,64€ (+18,4%)
13/mayo (14:17) 25,33€ 25,26€ 0,07€ (-0,3%)
12/mayo (14:29) 25,59€ 25,33€ 0,26€ (-1%)
08/mayo (14:37) 25,62€ 25,59€ 0,03€ (-0,1%)
07/mayo (14:22) 29,90€ 25,62€ 4,28€ (-14,3%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 19 de mayo a las 13:49

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