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Resident Evil 2 Remake

Marca: Capcom | Categorías: Videojuegos y Juguetes y juegos
¡Es un buen momento para comprar!

El precio medio es de 19,84€ y ahora está en 17,88€

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Características del producto

  • A spine-chilling reimagining of a horror classic - Based on the original PlayStation console release in 1998, the new game has been completely rebuilt from the ground up for a deeper narrative experience
  • A whole new perspective - New over-the-shoulder camera mode and modernized control scheme creates a more modern take on the survival horror experience and offers players a trip down memory lane with the original gameplay modes from the 1998 release
  • Face the grotesque hordes - Zombies are brought to life with a horrifyingly realistic wet gore effect as they react in real time taking instant visible damage, making every bullet count
  • Iconic series defining gameplay - Engage in frenzied combat with enemies, explore dark menacing corridors, solve puzzles to access areas and collect and use items discovered around the environment in a terrifying constant fight for survival
  • See favorite characters in a whole new light - Join rookie police officer Leon S. Kennedy on his first day in the job and college student Claire Redfield, who is searching for her brother amidst a terrifying zombie epidemic

Información del envío

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Este artículo disfruta de las ventajas de Amazon Premium.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
14/abril (17:55) 13,00€ 17,88€ 4,88€ (+37,5%)
12/abril (18:36) 25,37€ 13,00€ 12,37€ (-48,8%)
05/abril (12:16) 17,88€ 25,37€ 7,49€ (+41,9%)
26/marzo (15:13) 13,00€ 17,88€ 4,88€ (+37,5%)
12/marzo (21:57) 19,95€ 13,00€ 6,95€ (-34,8%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 02 de mayo a las 16:05

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