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The Evil Within [Importación Francesa]

Marca: Bethesda | Categorías: Videojuegos
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Características del producto

  • Pure Survival Horror Returns - Shinji Mikami, the father of survival horror is back to direct a chilling new game wrapped in haunting narrative. Tension and anxiety heighten dramatically as you explore the games tortured world. Youll have limited resources at your disposal as you fight for your survival and experience profound fear in this perfect blend of horror and action.
  • Brutal Traps and Twisted Creatures - Face unthinkable horrors and cruel traps as you struggle to survive against overwhelming odds. Turn evil against itself by using the same diabolical devices against overwhelming deadly creatures.
  • Unknown Threats in an Uncertain World - Mysterious and wicked fears loom ahead in a world that warps and twists around you. Corridors, walls, doors, and entire buildings change in real-time, ensnaring players in a reality where threats can appear at any time and from any direction.
  • The New Face of Horror - Highly-crafted environments, horrifying anxiety, and an intricate story weave together to create an immersive world that will bring players to the height of tension. Defeat insurmountable terror and experience the ultimate thrill by discovering The Evil Within.

Información del envío

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Este artículo disfruta de las ventajas de Amazon Premium.

Últimos 5 cambios de precio:

Fecha Precio anterior Nuevo precio Diferencia
27/abril (06:26) 28,25€ 38,84€ 10,59€ (+37,5%)
19/abril (06:40) 38,84€ 28,25€ 10,59€ (-27,3%)
17/abril (07:04) 38,85€ 38,84€ 0,01€ (-0%)
13/abril (08:03) 38,84€ 38,85€ 0,01€ (+0%)
04/abril (02:26) 38,83€ 38,84€ 0,01€ (+0%)

Evolución de precio

Última actualización: 02 de mayo a las 05:47

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